Bush Black Ceramic Earrings


Image of Bush Black Ceramic Earrings Image of Bush Black Ceramic Earrings Image of Bush Black Ceramic Earrings

Earrings made from terracotta clay
The shapes are hand cut and given unique markings by rolling across a textured fabric
A coal-black colour wash (a blend of cobalt and iron oxide) is brushed on before firing
Then a final coating of beeswax polish
The finish is a soft, matte, charcoal look and feel - reminiscent of the iconic Grass Tree trunks of Western Australia

Handmade Sterling silver earwires


Length 4cm
Width 4cm
Overall length 6cm

Note : image #3 shows the earrings on an adult-size hand shape

Care for your earrings
Ceramic is a robust material when handled appropriately but will shatter if dropped from a height so care in putting on and taking off is highly recommended! Standing on a rug or leaning over a bench (say in the bathroom) while putting the earrings on is a good preventive to breakage.